Digital Signal Processing Reference
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discussed in Chapter 3. In the following, we highlight the main steps in calcu-
lating the convolution sum between two sequences x [ k ] and h [ k ].
Algorithm 10.1 Graphical procedure for computing the linear convolution
(1) Sketch the waveform for input x [ m ] by changing the independent variable
of x [ k ] from k to m and keep the waveform for x [ m ] fixed during steps
(2) Sketch the waveform for the impulse response h [ m ] by changing the inde-
pendent variable from k to m .
(3) Reflect h [ m ] about the vertical axis to obtain the time-inverted impulse
response h [ m ].
(4) Shift the sequence h [ m ] by a selected value of k . The resulting function
represents h [ k m ].
(5) Multiply the input sequence x [ m ]by h [ k m ] and plot the product function
x [ m ] h [ k m ].
(6) Calculate the summation
m =−∞ x [ m ] h [ k m ].
(7) Repeat steps (4)-(6) for −∞ ≤ k ≤∞ to obtain the output response y [ k ]
over all time k .
The graphical approach for calculating the output response is illustrated through
a series of examples.
Example 10.6
Repeat Example 10.5 with input x [ k ] = 0.8 k u [ k ] and impulse response h [ k ] =
0 . 5 k u [ k ] to determine the output of the LTID system using the graphical con-
volution approach.
Following steps (1)-(3) of Algorithm 10.1, the DT sequences x [ m ] = 0.8 m u [ m ],
h [ m ] = 0.5 m u [ m ] and its time reflection h [ m ] = 0.5 m u [ m ] are plotted in
Fig. 10.6. Based on step (4), the sequence h [ k m ] = h [ ( m k )] is obtained
by shifting h [ m ]by k samples. To compute the output sequence, we consider
two cases based on the values of k .
Case 1 For k < 0, the waveform h [ k m ] is on the left-hand side of the vertical
axis. As is apparent in Fig. 10.6, step (5a), waveforms for h [ k m ] and x [ m ]do
not overlap. In other words, the product x [ m ] h [ k m ] = 0, for −∞ ≤ m ≤∞ ,
as long as k < 0. The output sequence y [ k ] is therefore zero for k < 0.
Case 2 For k 0, we see from Fig. 10.6, step (5b), that the non-zero parts of
h [ k m ] and x [ m ] overlap over the range m = [0, k ]. Therefore,
0 . 8 m 0 . 5 k m .
y [ k ] =
x [ m ] h [ k m ] =
m = 0
m = 0
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