Digital Signal Processing Reference
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9.6 Consider the following CT signal:
0 . 25(3 t )0 t 3
x ( t ) =
otherwise .
(a) Calculate the CTFT X ( ω ). Determine the bandwidth of the signal and
the ideal Nyquist sampling rate.
(b) If the bandwidth is infinite, approximate the bandwidth as β Hz, such
X ( ω ) < 0 . 01 max X ( ω )
ω > 2 πβ
and recalculate a practical Nyquist sampling rate.
(c) Discretize x ( t ) using a sampling interval of T s = 1 s. Plot the resulting
DT sequence x [ k ] corresponding to the duration 5 t 5.
(d) Quantize the signal x [ k ] obtained in (c) with the uniform quantizer
derived in Example 9.3. Plot the quantization error with respect to k .
What is the maximum value of the quantization error?
(e) Repeat (d) using a uniform quantizer with L = 16 reconstruction levels
defined within the dynamic range [ 1 , 1]. Plot the quantization error
with respect to k . What is the maximum value of the quantization error?
Compare the plot with your answer obtained in (d).
9.7 Show that the CTFS representation of the rectangular pulse train r ( t )as
defined in Eq. (9.17) is given by Eq. (9.19).
9.8 The spectrum of a CT signal x ( t ) satisfies the following conditions:
X ( ω ) = 0
ω <ω 1
ω >ω 2
ω 2 1 > 0 .
In other words, the CTFT X ( ω )of x ( t ) is non-zero only within the range
of frequencies ω 1 ≤ω≤ω 2 . Such a signal is referred to as a bandpass
(a) Show that the bandpass signal x ( t ) can be sampled with an ideal
impulse train at a rate less than the Nyquist rate of 2( ω 2 / 2 π )
samples/s and can be perfectly reconstructed with a bandpass filter
with the following transfer function:
ω ≤ω≤ω u
H bp ( ω ) =
elsewhere .
(b) Determine the minimum sampling rate for which perfect reconstruction
is possible.
(c) Compute the values of parameters p , ω , and ω u used to specify the
transfer function of the bandpass filter.
9.9 An alternative to the bandpass sampling procedure introduced in
Problem 9.8 is the system illustrated in Fig. P9.9. For a real-valued
bandpass signal x ( t ) with the spectrum shown in Fig. P9.9(a), the
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