Digital Signal Processing Reference
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−ω c
≤ ω ≤ ω c , the lowpass component d low ( t ) is extracted. The information
signal m ( t ) is then obtained from d low ( t ) using the following relationship:
m ( t ) = 2[ d low ( t ) 1] .
8.1.2 Synchronous demodulation with non-zero epochs
In synchronous demodulation, the epoch φ c of the modulating carrier is assumed
to be identical to the epoch of the demodulating carrier. In practice, perfect syn-
chronization between the carriers is not possible, which leads to distortion in
the signal reconstructed from demodulation. To illustrate the effect of distor-
tion introduced by unsynchronized carriers, consider the following modulated
s ( t ) =
A cos( ω c t + φ c ) +
Akm ( t ) cos( ω c t + φ c ) ,
as derived in Eq. (8.2). Assume that the demodulator carrier is given by
c 2 ( t ) =
A cos( ω c t + θ c ( t )) ,
which has a time-varying epoch θ c ( t ) = φ c . Using c 2 ( t ), the demodulated signal
is given by
d ( t ) = s ( t ) c 2 ( t ) = [ A cos( ω c t c ) +
Akm ( t ) cos( ω c t + φ c )] cos( ω c t c ( t )) ,
which simplifies to
d ( t ) = A
+ A
2 [1 + km ( t )] cos( φ c − θ c ( t ))
2 [1 + km ( t )] cos(2 ω c t + φ c + θ c ( t ))
d low ( t )
d high ( t )
Equation (8.11) illustrates that the demodulated signal contains a low-frequency
component d low ( t ) and a higher-frequency component d high ( t ). By passing the
demodulated signal through a lowpass filter, the higher-frequency component
is removed. The output of the lowpass filter is given by
y ( t ) = A
2 [1 + km ( t )] cos( φ c − θ c ( t )) .
Even after eliminating the dc component, the reconstructed signal has the fol-
lowing form:
y ( t ) = A
2 km ( t ) cos( φ c − θ c ( t )) ,
where distortion is caused by the factor of cos( φ c
− θ c ( t )). Since the epoch
θ c ( t ) is time-varying, it is difficult to eliminate the distortion. To reconstruct
x ( t ) precisely, the phase difference between the carrier signals used at the mod-
ulator and demodulator must be kept equal to zero over time. In other words,
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