Digital Signal Processing Reference
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5.5.5 Time differentiation
The time-differentiation property expresses the CTFT of a time-differentiated
signal d x /d t in terms of the CTFT of the original signal x ( t ). We state the
time-differentiation property next.
If x ( t )
X ( ω ) then
d x
d t
j ω X ( ω )
provided the derivative d x/ d t exists at all time t .
From the CTFT synthesis equation, Eq. (5.9), we have
2 π
X ( ω )e j ω t d ω.
x ( t ) =
Taking the derivative with respect to t on both sides of the equation yields
d x
d t
= d
d t
2 π
X ( ω )e j ω t d ω
Interchanging the order of differentiation and integration, we obtain
d x
d t
2 π
d t
e j ω t d ω = 1
2 π
[j ω X ( ω )]e j ω t d ω.
X ( ω )
Comparing this with Eq. (5.9), we obtain
d x
d t
j ω X ( ω ) .
Corollary By repeatedly applying the time differentiation property, it is
straightforward to verify that
d n x
d t n
(j ω ) n X ( ω ) .
Example 5.18
In Example 5.11, we showed that the CTFT for the periodic cosine function is
given by
cos( ω 0 t )
π [ δ ( ω − ω 0 ) + δ ( ω + ω 0 )] .
Using the above CTFT pair, derive the CTFT for the periodic sine function
sin( ω 0 t ).
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