Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 1.5. Analog signal with its
digital approximation. The
waveform for the analog signal
is shown with a line plot; the
quantized digital approximation
is shown with a stem plot.
−1.125 0
sampling time t = kT
samples per second. The sampling interval T is given by 1 / 44 100, or 22.68
microseconds ( µ s). Each sample is then quantized with a 16-bit uniform quan-
tizer. In other words, a sample of the recorded music signal is approximated
from a set of uniformly distributed values that can be represented by a 16-bit
binary number. The total number of values in the discretized set is therefore
limited to 2 16 entries.
Digital signals may also occur naturally. For example, the price of a com-
modity is a multiple of the lowest denomination of a currency. The grades of
students on a course are also discrete, e.g. 8 out of 10, or 3.6 out of 4 on a 4-point
grade point average (GPA). The number of employees in an organization is a
non-negative integer and is also digital by nature.
1.1.3 Periodic and aperiodic signals
A CT signal x ( t ) is said to be periodic if it satisfies the following property:
x ( t ) = x ( t + T 0 ) ,
at all time t and for some positive constant T 0 . The smallest positive value
of T 0 that satisfies the periodicity condition, Eq. (1.3), is referred to as the
fundamental period of x ( t ).
Likewise, a DT signal x [ k ] is said to be periodic if it satisfies
x [ k ] = x [ k + K 0 ]
at all time k and for some positive constant K 0 . The smallest positive value of
K 0 that satisfies the periodicity condition, Eq. (1.4), is referred to as the fun-
damental period of x [ k ]. A signal that is not periodic is called an aperiodic or
non-periodi c signal. Figure 1.6 shows examples of both periodic and aperiodic
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