Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Fig. 5.1. Periodic extension of a
time-limited aperiodic signal.
(a) Aperiodic signal and (b) its
periodic extension.
x T ( t )
x ( t )
T 0
T 0
repetitions of x ( t ) uniformly spaced from each other by duration T 0 such that
there is no overlap between two adjacent replicas of x ( t ). The resulting signal
is denoted by x T ( t ) and is shown in Fig. 5.1(b). Clearly, the new signal x T ( t )is
periodic with the fundamental period of T 0 and in the limit
T 0 →∞ x T ( t ) = x ( t ) .
Since x T ( t ) is a periodic signal with a fundamental frequency of ω 0 = 2 π / T 0
radians/s, its exponential CTFS representation is expressed as follows:
D n e j n ω 0 t ,
x T ( t ) =
n =−∞
where the exponential CTFS coefficients are given by
= 1
T 0
D n
j n ω 0 t d t .
x T ( t )e
T 0
The spectra of x T ( t ) are the magnitude and phase plots of the CTFS coefficients
D n as a function of n ω 0 . Because n takes on integer values, the magnitude
and phase spectra of x T ( t ) consist of vertical lines separated uniformly by
ω 0 . Applying the limit T 0 →∞ to x T ( t ) causes the spacing ω 0 = 2 π/ T 0 in
the spectral lines of the magnitude and phase spectra to decrease to zero. The
resulting spectra represent the Fourier representation of the aperiodic signal x ( t )
and are continuous along the frequency ( ω ) axis. The CTFT for aperiodic signals
is, therefore, a continuous function of frequency ω . To derive the mathematical
definition of the CTFT, we apply the limit T 0
→∞ to Eq. (5.3). The resulting
expression is as follows:
T 0
D n
j n ω 0 t d t
T 0 →∞
T 0 →∞
x ( t )e
T 0
T 0
j n ω 0 t d t
D n
T 0 →∞
x ( t )e
since lim
T 0 0 x T ( t ) = x ( t ) .
In Eq. (5.4), the term D n denotes the exponential CTFT coefficients of x ( t ).
Let us define a continuous function X ( ω ) (with the independent variable ω )as
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