Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.12. Waveform
reconstructed from the first 1000
CTFS coefficients in Example
4.5 Exponential Fourier series
In Section 4.4, we considered the trigonometric CTFS expansion using a set
of sinusoidal terms as the basis functions. An alternative expression for the
CTFS is obtained if complex exponentials { exp( j n ω 0 t ) , for n Z , are used
as the basis functions to expand a CT periodic signal. The resulting CTFS
representation is referred to as the exponential CTFS, which is defined below.
Definition 4.7 An arbitrary periodic function x ( t ) with a fundamental period
T 0 can be expressed as follows:
D n e j n ω 0 t ,
x ( t ) =
m = 0
where the exponential CTFS coefficients D n are calculated as
= 1
T 0
j n ω 0 t d t ,
D n
x ( t )e
T 0
ω 0 being the fundamental frequency given by ω 0
2 π/ T 0 .
Equation (4.43) is known as the exponential CTFS representation of x ( t ). Since
the basis functions corresponding to the trigonometric and exponential CTFS
are related by Euler's identity,
j n ω 0 t
= cos( n ω 0 t ) j sin( n ω 0 t ) ,
it is intuitively pleasing to believe that the exponential and trigonometric CTFS
coefficients are also related to each other. The exact relationship is derived by
expanding the trigonometric CTFS series as follows:
x ( t ) = a 0
( a n cos( n ω 0 t ) + b n sin( n ω 0 t ))
n = 1
a n
b n
(e j n ω 0 t
j n ω 0 t ) +
2j (e j n ω 0 t
j n ω 0 t ) .
= a 0
+ e
n = 1
n = 1
Combining terms with the same exponential functions, we obtain
+ 1
+ 1
j b n )e j n ω 0 t
j n ω 0 t .
x ( t ) = a 0
( a n
( a n
+ j b n )e
n = 1
n = 1
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