Digital Signal Processing Reference
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3.17 A sinusoidal signal x ( t ) = A sin( ω 0 t + θ ) is applied at the input of an
LTIC system with real-valued impulse response h ( t ). By expressing the
sinusoidal signal as the imaginary term of a complex exponential, i.e. as
A e j( ω 0 + t )
j A sin( ω 0 t + θ ) = Im
A ∈ℜ,
show that the output of the LTIC system is given by
y ( t ) = A H ( ω 0 ) sin( ω 0 t + θ + arg( H ( ω 0 )) ,
where H ( ω ) is the Fourier transform of the impulse response h ( t )as
defined in Problem 3.16.
Hint: If h ( t ) is real and x ( t )
y ( t ), then Im x ( t ) Im y ( t ) .
3.18 Given that the LTIC system produces the output y ( t ) = 5 cos(2 π t ) when
the signal x ( t ) =− 3 sin(2 π t + π/ 4) is applied at its input, derive the
value of the tranfer function H ( ω )at ω = 2 π . Hint: Use the result derived
in Problem 3.17.
3.19 (a) Compute the solutions of the differential equations given in P3.2 for
duration 0 t 20 using M ATLAB . (b) Compare the computed solution
with the analytical solution obtained in P3.2.
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