Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Fig. 3.1. Series RLC circuit used
in Example 3.1.
v ( t )
w ( t )
x ( t )
i ( t )
y ( t )
where coefficients a k , for 0 k ( n 1), and b k , for 0 k m , are parameters
characterized by the linear system. If the linear system is also time-invariant,
then the a k and b k coefficients are constants. We will use the compact notation
y to denote the first derivative of y ( t ) with respect to t . Thus y = d y / d t , y =
d 2 y / d t 2 , and so on for the higher derivatives. We now consider an electrical
circuit that is modeled by a differential equation.
Example 3.1
Determine the input-output representations of the series RLC circuit shown in
Fig. 3.1 for the three outputs v ( t ), w ( t ), and y ( t ).
Figure 3.1 illustrates an electrical circuit consisting of three passive compo-
nents: resistor R , inductor L , and capacitor C . Applying Kirchhoff's voltage
law, the relationship between the input voltage x ( t ) and the loop current i ( t )is
given by
L d i
d t
+ Ri ( t ) + 1
x ( t ) =
i ( t )d t .
Differentiating Eq. (3.2) with respect to t yields
L d 2 i
d t 2
+ R d i
d t
+ 1
C i ( t ) = d x
d t .
We consider three different outputs of the RLC circuit in the following dis-
cussion, and for each output we derive the differential equation modeling the
input-output relationship of the LTIC system.
Relationship between x(t) and v(t) The output voltage v ( t ) is measured across
inductor L . Expressed in terms of the loop current i ( t ), the voltage v ( t )isgiven
L d i
v ( t ) =
d t .
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