Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Terminology from This Chapter
cache memory
chip casing
control line
expansion slot
I/O devices
main memory
virtual machine
Discussion Questions
1. In a barber shop or hair salon with just one barber or stylist,
customers come in the door, take a seat in a waiting room
until called, move to the barber/stylist chair for their haircuts,
go to the cash register (also in the waiting room) to pay, and
then leave through the door.
a. To what extent does the above flow correspond to process
ing in a simple computer? (If the barber or stylist plays the
role of a CPU, what roles correspond to the door, the cus
tomers, and the waiting room?)
b. Does anything in the barber shop or salon correspond to
cache memory? Why or why not?
c. Suppose the salon has a greeter/cashier as well as a stylist.
Does this second position correspond with anything within
a computer? Explain your answer.
2. Consider the following model related to a student preparing
one or more papers. The student finds appropriate topics for
her work in the library, but does all of her reading and writ
ing in her dorm room. The dorm room has a desk and a
small bookcase. The desk has room for only two topics, in
addition to the word processor where she writes her papers.
The bookcase has room for eight topics. Due to fire regula
tions and a general tendency for neatness, the student never
uses the floor or other places in her room to store topics
from the library.
a. Suppose the student is working on a small paper for
which she wants to use two topics from the library. Write
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