Information Technology Reference
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2. Read more about IBM's Deep Blue chessplaying computer.
a. Describe the hardware used for this system. To what extent
is this hardware special for this application, and to what
extent might the same hardware be used for other applica
b. Describe at least five ways in which Deep Blue's approach
to playing chess is different from that of a human.
3. Read more about Shortliffe's Mycin program.
a. Describe precisely what problem Mycin was trying to
b. Why is this problem considered to be so difficult?
c. Mycin has been described as being as successful as special
ists in the field. How successful is that—about what per
centage of the time do specialists in this field typically
make exactly the right diagnosis?
d . Although Mycin has been available for many years, it has
not been adopted widely by medical practitioners. Why do
you think that Mycin has not been used more?
4. Propose your own definition of “intelligence.”
a. To what extent might dolphins, chimpanzees, or other ani
mals meet your definition—at least in part?
b. Indicate tests that might be used to determine if a being or
computer were intelligent according to your definition.
5. The chapter claims that few, if any, people have been able to
make accurate predictions regarding the nature of technology
beyond five years or so.
a. Find some longterm projections made a decade or more
ago—perhaps by reading newspaper or magazine articles.
Then compare the predictions with what we have actually
b. In considering the evolution of technology, identify some
factors that might make such predictions difficult.
6. When considering human action, the notion of free will arises
when a person must choose among several equally appropriate
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