Information Technology Reference
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Because the law requires that objectionable materials for images
be blocked, one legal approach would be for libraries to block the
display of all images and preserve the communication of nonvisual
materials. Although this approach seems extreme, it is not at all
clear that other approaches are technically viable at the present
time. Even for text, the discussion of varying file formats from
Chapter 2 and various encryption techniques from Chapter 10 sug
gests that the identification of “objectionable” materials poses con
siderable technical difficulty, and our discussions earlier in this
chapter indicate that current software filtering programs for text
may be only 60% to 80% effective. Because images are more sub
jective than text, filtering of that medium is particularly difficult.
But according to the law, all images (not just 80%) must be blocked
for children, and currently this is not attainable in any general way
even for text.
Of course, it remains to be seen what other approaches might
emerge as a response to this bill.
Access to computers ranges along a continuous scale, from no
access at any time through limited access to full, easy, and ongoing
access. Restrictions to access involve such factors as technical con
siderations, infrastructure, economics, politics, social and cultural
matters, and individual traits. Access in specific circumstances may
involve subtleties that affect some groups more than others.
Generally, policies and practices have affected access for women
and ethnic minorities more than other groups.
Software filters restrict access to materials, sometimes by identi
fying specific materials that can be viewed and sometimes by deny
ing access to specific materials that are identified as objectionable.
The first challenge for the developers of filtering software involves
identifying what is and what is not objectionable. Another challenge
involves determining the level and nature of the screening process.
Each area of challenge has numerous pitfalls; objective reviewers re
port varying levels of effectiveness, but few indicate that software
filters provide reasonable access to appropriate materials while
blocking inappropriate materials.
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