Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
We looked at how to download and install GIMP 2.8 on your computer and had a cursory overview of
the software. As mentioned earlier, the overview will help you to get acquainted with GIMP, but you also
have access to the GIMP User Manual , which covers everything about this program in depth. The plug-ins
available for GIMP can expand its capabilities, especially Resynthesizer. It can save you a lot of time.
For the absolute beginner using GIMP, the best way to learn this program is by jumping in and spending
time playing with it. Open an image (make a copy of it first) and use the tools, to see what they do and
how they behave. Experiment with the functions in the Image menu, to see how they work. When you feel
somewhat comfortable with the features of GIMP, then you can move on to Chapter 2.
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