Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
In Chapter 3, the tonal adjustments made on the grayscale images with levels used the default Value
setting in the dialog box. Grayscale images only have one gray channel. In rGB color images, the Value setting
is a composite of the tonal information in the red, green, and blue color channels. adjusting levels using the
Value setting makes broad color changes in the image, whereas adjusting each color channel is more precise.
Tutorial 12: Color Correction with Levels (No. 2)
In this exercise, we'll be restoring faded color and improving tonality in the following image (Figure 4-25 ),
with Levels. Because each color channel has a different tonal value, we're going to make adjustments on
each one, to revive both contrast and color.
Figure 4-25. This image lost color over the years
To correct this image, follow these steps:
Open the image ( Ch4_girl fishing ) found in the Practice Images folder.
Open the Crop tool (Shift + C) and trim the borders away from the image
(Figure 4-26 ), so they don't “contaminate” the adjustment (as discussed in the
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