Graphics Reference
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Figure 3-1.
3.2 Polygons in Three Dimensions
MATLAB also allows for drawing polygons in three dimensions. To do this, use the following commands:
fill3(X,Y,Z,C) draws the compact polygon whose vertices are the triples of the components
(Xi, Yi, Zi) of the column vectors X , Y and Z . C can be a row vector of numbers, with the
same number of columns as X and Y; or C can be a column vector of numbers, with the
same number of rows as X and Y; or C can be a character that uses the colorspec characters
shown like 'k' for black. When C is a numeric vector, it is used as a scaled index into the
current colormap. If X , Y and Z are of the same dimension, several polygons corresponding
to each triple vector column (X.j, Y.j, Z.j) may be represented as matrices simultaneously.
In this case, C can be a row vector. Cj elements determine the unique color of each polygon
corresponding to the triple of vector column (X.j, Y.j, Z.j) . C may also be an array of the
same dimension as X , Y and Z , in which case the elements determine the colors of each
point (Xijk, Yijk, Zijk) of the set of polygons.
fill3(X1,Y1,Z1,C1,X2,Y2, Z 2, C2,...) draws the compact polygon whose vertices are given by
the points (Xi, Yi, Zi) and Ci.
Here is an example:
>> x = cos(0:0.01:8*pi);
>> y = sin(0:0.01:8*pi);
>> z = 0:0.01:8*pi;
>> fill3(x,y,z,'r')
This generates the graph of Figure 3-2 .
Figure 3-2.
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