Graphics Reference
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rose(Y) draws the angular histogram relative to the vector and angles in radians, using 20
equal radii.
rose(Y,n) draws the vector Y angular histogram, using equal radii.
rose(X,Y) draws the vector Y angular histogram using radii that are specified in the
elements of the vector X.
compass(Z) carries out a diagram of arrows coming out of the origin and whose magnitude
and direction are determined by the real and imaginary components of the vector Z in
complex numbers. The complex Zi arrow joins the origin with the value of Zi.
compass(X,Y) is equivalent to compass (X+i*Y).
compass (Z, S) or compass(X, Y, S) specifies the line type in S to use on the arrows.
feather(Z) or feather(X,Y) or feather(Z,S) or feather(X,Y,S) is the same as compass , with
the only difference that the origin of the arrows is not at the origin of coordinates, but out of
equally-spaced points of a horizontal line.
legend('legend1', 'legend2',…, 'legendn') situates the legends given in n consecutive
Here are some examples below:
First of all, let's represent in Figure 2-23 a chart of errors for the density of a normal distribution (0,1) function,
with the variable defined in 40 points between - 4 and 4, and errors are being defined by 40 uniform random
values (0.10):
>> x = -4:.2:4;
>> y = (1/sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-(x.^2)/2);
>> e = rand(size(x))/10;
>> errorbar(x,y,e)
Figure 2-23.
We also represent a graph of clusters corresponding to 50 normal random numbers (0.1) by using the syntax
below in Figure 2-24 :
>> y = randn (50,1); stem (y)
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