Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Below is a summary of the keys that can be used in the area of input of MATLAB (command line), as well as
its functions:
Up arrow (Ctrl-P)
Retrieves the previous line. Opens the print dialog
Arrow down (Ctrl-N)
Retrieves the following entry. Creates a new file in the Editor.
Arrow to the left (Ctrl-B)
Takes the cursor to the left one character.
Arrow to the right (Ctrl-F)
Takes the cursor to the right one character. Performs a search/find that opens a dialog.
CTRL-arrow to the left
Takes the cursor to the start of the word or to the start of the word to the left.
CTRL-arrow to the right
Takes the cursor to the end of the current word or the end of the word to the right.
Home (Ctrl-A)
Takes the cursor to the beginning of the line.
End (Ctrl-E)
Takes the cursor to the end of the current line.
Clears the command line.
Delete (Ctrl-D)
Deletes the character at the right of the cursor.
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
Deletes all of the rest of the current line.
The command clc clears the Command Window, but it does not delete the variables of the work area (that content
remains in memory).
1.3 Help in MATLAB
MATLAB help through the help button in the toolbar can be accessed here or through the Help menu bar option.
In addition, support can also be obtained through commands implemented as MATLAB objects. The command help
provides general help on all commands in MATLAB (Figure 1-15 ). By clicking on any of them, you get your particular
help. For example, if you click on the hyperlink graph2d , you get support for graphics in two dimensions (Figure 1-16 ).
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