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A more direct way of doing all of the above is:
>> base2dec('666551',7) * base2dec('aa199800a',11) +...
79 * base2dec('fffaaa125',16) / (base2dec ('33331', 4) + 6)
Ans =
2.753733404908515e + 014
We now transform the result gained 13.
>> dec2base (275373340490852,13)
Ans =
exercise A-4
Given the complex numbers x = 2 + 2i Y = -7 -3 3i, calculate Y 3 , x 2 /Y 90 , Y 1/2 , 3/2 and log (x)
>> X = 2 + 2 * i; Y =-7-3 * sqrt (3) * i;
>> Y ^ 3
years =
>> X ^ 2 / Y ^ 90
years =
050180953422426e-085 - 1 + 7.404188256695968e-070i
>> sqrt (Y)
Ans =
>> sqrt(Y^3)
Ans =
>> log (X)
Ans =
1.03972077083992 + 0.78539816339745i
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