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For example, 6 to the power of 400 with 450 exact numbers is obtained as follows:
>> ' 6 vpa ^ 400' 450
Ans =
The result of the operation is accurate, always bring up a point at the end of the result. In this case, it was not
necessary to use 450 figures to express the result of the proposed operation. If you require a smaller number of exact
figures that actually would generate the exact result, MATLAB calculates the number requested and rounds the result and
presents it including powers of 10. For example, we will perform the above calculation only with only 50 exact figures.
>> ' 6 vpa ^ 400' 50
Ans =
A.4 Functions with Integer Numbers and Divisibility
There are several functions in MATLAB with integer arguments, the majority of which are related to divisibility.
Among the most typical functions with integer arguments are the following:
rem (n, m)
Remainder of the division of n and m
(valid function for n and m real)
sign (n)
Sign of n (1 if n > 0, - 1 if n < 0, true)
max (n1, n2)
Maximum of n1 and n2 numbers
min (n1, n2)
Minimum of n1 and n2 numbers
gcd (n1, n2)
Greatest common divisor of n1 and n2
lcm (n1, n2)
Least common multiple of n1 and n2
factorial (n)
N factorial (n(n-1) (n-2)…)1)
factor (n)
It decomposes the n factorization
Below are some examples.
Remainder of the division of 17 by 3:
>> rem (17.3)
Ans =
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