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0.8090 0.9425
0.6678 0.7312
0.4744 0.4943
0.2813 0.2852
0.0672 0.0673
-0.1640 - 0.1647
-0.3636 - 0.3722
-0.5597 - 0.5940
-0.7367 - 0.8282
-0.8538 - 1.0233
-0.9511 - 1.2566
-1.0035 - 1.5708 - 0. 0837i
-0.9818 - 1.3799
-0.9446 - 1.2365
-0.8526 - 1.0210
-0.6902 - 0.7617
-0.5484 - 0.5805
-0.3478 - 0.3553
-0.0807 - 0.0808
0.0086 0.0086
eXerCISe 6-9
Find the polynomial of degree 3 which better adjusts the cloud of points for the pairs (i, i 2 ) where 1 £ i £ 7, in the
least squares sense. Find your value for x = 10 and graphically represent the adjustment curve.
>> x=[1:7];y=[1,4,9,16,25,36,49];p=poly2sym(polyfit(x,y,2))
p =
x^2 - (5188368643045181*x)/633825300114114700748351602688 + 1315941209318717/7922816251426433
now calculate the numerical value of the polynomial p for x = 10 .
>> subs(p,10)
ans =
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