Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
the running or procurement of public transport. In EU 27 alone there is a
waste potential of 500 TWh - capable of powering 2 million city buses.
It is quite costly to produce natural gas quality biomethane for vehicle
fuel purposes, especially in countries where natural gas, petrol and/or diesel
is subsidized or lightly taxed. Infact, natural gas is the most adverse
competitor of biomethane, especially with the price falls of recent years.
Nevertheless, given the proper incentives by government, based on external
costs such as public health, environmental hazards and subsidy costs, the
market potential is there. The promotional value of biomethane should not
be underestimated. With the need for climate change mitigation and the
aims of a truly sustainable society, the extra cost of blending in biomethane,
especially if it is tax exempted for the longterm (preferably up to a certain
market share rather than a specific date), will be covered by the extra sales
gained from green natural gas. The Swedish case may serve as an example of
how public opinion can affect the building of a natural gas vehicle market in
a society more and more inclined to promoting renewable and sustainable
solutions, and banning or taxing fossil fuel powered alternatives.
18.6 References
A ˚ hman M (2010) Biomethane in the transport sector - an appraisal of the forgotten
option. Energy Policy, 38, 208-217, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2009.09.007.
Benjaminsson J and Nilsson R (2009) Distributions fo¨r biogas och naturgas i Sverige,
Report for SGA, The Swedish Gas Association (in Swedish) (http://energigas.
se/Publikationer/ ~ /media/Files/www_energigas_se/Publikationer/Rapporter/
Dist_rapp091113_slutlig_rev091123.ashx) [Accessed 16 October 2012].
Brandin J, Hulteberg C and Liljegren-Nilsson A (2008) Bio-Propane from glycerol for
October 2012].
EP ITRE (European Parliament Committee of Industry, Research and Energy)
(2008a) COD/2008/0016: Energy and climate change: promotion of the use of
energy from renewable sources RES-E (repeal. Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/
30/EC). EP ITRE, Brussels.
EP ITRE (2008b) Draft report by rapporteur Claude Turmes (http://www.europarl.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
[Accessed 16 October
EP ITRE (2008c) Press release (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?
+PDF+V0//EN&language=EN) [Accessed 16 October 2012].
European Commission (2009) European Parliament and Council (2009) Directive
2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on
the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and
subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC (http://eur-lex.
PDF) [Accessed 16 October 2012].
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