Environmental Engineering Reference
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Dena (2012a) Deutsche Energie-Agentur. Market Incentive Program Available from:
http://www.biogaspartner.de/index.php?id=10178&L=1 [Accessed 14 October
Dena (2012b) Deutsche Energie-Agentur.Ordinance on Gas Network Tariffs
(GasNEV). Available from: http://www.biogaspartner.de/index.php?
id=10143&L=1 [Accessed 14 October 2012].
DIN (1985) Deutsches Institut fu¨ r Normung. DIN 51622 Liquefied petroleum gases;
propane, pro-pene, butane, butane and their mixtures; requirements. DIN Berlin.
DIN (2008) Deutsches Institut fu¨ r Normung. DIN 51624: 2008 Automotive fuels -
Compressed natural gas - Requirements and test methods. DIN, Berlin.
DVGW (1992) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water.
Standard G 486: 1992 Gas law deviation factors and natural gas compressibility
fac-tors. calculation and application. DVGW, Bonn.
DVGW (1999) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water.
Standard G 488: 1999 Gas Quality Measurement Stations. Minimum
in respect of
interoperability and connection to gas
networks. DVGW, Bonn.
DVGW (2008a) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water.
Regulation G 260: 2008 Gas Quality. DVGW, Bonn.
DVGW (2008b) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water.
Regulation G 262: 2008 Utilisation of gases from renewable sources in the public
gas supply. DVGW, Bonn.
DVGW (2008c) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water.
Pru ¨ fgrundlage VP 265-1 Anlagen fu ¨ r die Aufbereitung und Einspeisung von
Biogas in Erdgasnetze - Teil 1: Fermentativ erzeugte Gase; Planung, Fertigung,
Errichtung, Pru ¨ fung und Inbetriebnahme. DVGW, Bonn.
DVGW (2008d) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water,
Regulation DVGW G 280-1 Gas Odorisation; DVGW G 280-2 Adjustment of the
odorisation of gases in the public supply. DVGW, Bonn.
DVGW (2008e) German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water.
Regulation DVGW G 685 Gas Accounting. DVGW, Bonn.
EEG (2012) Act on granting priority to renewable energy sources, from the original
German language version Gesetz fu¨r den Vorrang Erneuerbarer Energien -
Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz - EEG. Available from: http://www.bmu.de/
english/renewable_energy/doc/47883.php [Accessed 14 October 2012].
EEWa¨ rmeG (2008) Gesetz zur Fo¨rderung Erneuerbarer Energien im Wa¨rmebereich.
Available from: http://www.bmu.de/english/renewable_energy/downloads/doc/
42351.php [Accessed 14 October 2012].
European Commission (2009) Directive of the European Parliament and of the
European Council on the Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources
23 April 2009b (enr-lex.europa.eu).
GasNZV (2010) Verordnung u¨ber den Zugang zu Gasversorgungsnetzen. Available
from: http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bundesrecht/gasnzv_2010/gasamt.pdf.
[Accessed 14 October 2012].
Oliczewski, J. (2011) Biogaseinspeisung in Erdgasnetze. Energie Wasser Praxis 11/
Senner, J., Burmeister, F. and Go ¨ tz, M. (2011) Optionen der Konditionierung von
aufbereitetem Biogas mit Flu ¨ ssiggas. Energie Wasser Praxis 09/2011.
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