Environmental Engineering Reference
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understand the long-term yield response under various cropping,
climatic and soil conditions.
Nitrate leaching to tile drains has demonstrated similar trends to those
observed when raw manure or inorganic fertilizer was land applied.
However, further studies need to be conducted to determine the long-
term effects of NO 3 -N leaching with digestate-amended soils under
various climatic and soil conditions.
The land application of manure and digestate can impact bacteria
concentrations in tile drainage water. However, further studies are
needed to determine whether the lower bacteria concentrations in
digestate will impact bacterial transport through soils.
As further information is collected to determine the environmental and
agronomic impacts from the long-term land application of digestate,
recommendations for best management practices for handling digesate
should be developed (see also Chapter 12 of this topic). These recommenda-
tions can be used to improve nutrient management planning and
government regulations.
13.5 Acknowledgements
Amadou Thiam, Chris Duke and Terrence Sauve´
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
Dave Dow and Stuart Admiral
Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre (ECORC) - AAFC (Ottawa)
The University of Guelph and the AAFC studies presented in this chapter
were financially supported by OMAFRA and AAFC Environmental
Technologies Assessment for Agriculture Program.
13.6 References
AARD (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development) (2007) Nutrient Management
Planning Guide. AARD, Lethbridge, Alberta.
Abu-Ashour J, Joy D M, Lee H, Whiteley H R and Zelin S (1994) 'Transport of
microorganisms through soil', Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 75, 141-158.
Amon B, Kryvoruchko V, Amon T and Zechmeister-Boltenstern S (2006) 'Methane,
nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions during storage and after application of
dairy cattle slurry and influence of slurry treatment', Agriculture, Ecosystems
and Environment, 112, 153-162.
Bengtsson G, Bengtson P and Mansson K F (2003) 'Gross nitrogen mineralization-,
immobilization-, and nitrification rates as a function of soil C/N ratio and
microbial activity', Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 35, 143-154.
Beuning J D, Pattey E, Edwards G and vanHeyst B J (2008) 'Improved temporal
resolution in process-based modelling of agricultural soil ammonia emissions',
Atmospheric Environment, 42, 3253-3265.
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