Environmental Engineering Reference
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Distribution of the principal constituents after solid-liquid
separation (adapted from Bauer
et al.,
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
Decanter centrifuge (DANETV, 2010).
Solid-liquid separation of digestate by decanter centrifuge
Decanter centrifuges can be used to separate the majority of the phosphorus
contained in digestate with the fiber fraction (Møller, 2001). Several
commercial brands of decanter centrifuges are now utilized for digestate
separation, with similar performances; an example is shown in Fig. 12.5.
Tables 12.6 and 12.7 show test results of the GEA Westfalia decanter
centrifuge (DANETV, 2010). Testing was carried out on five batches, for a
minimum of 4 hours each, with a fixed start and end time for each batch.
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