Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
to reduced energy demand, more economical operation and better ecological
performance. Modelling and balancing of energy flows in a biogas plant give
a clear insight into the processes involved and allow the identification and
implementation of measures to optimise the behaviour of the plant. It is
then possible to identify the best technology and management options for a
biogas plant based on the local conditions at low cost, prior to installation
and operation. In practice, however, this evaluation is seldom carried out.
Moreover, the best option for the end use of the biogas produced can also be
determined (e.g. for electricity, heat or upgraded biogas) and alternatives
evaluated. In particular, the best choice can be made for each step in the
process: for example, for the energy supply of a remote energy consumer,
the option of a heat pipe or gas pipe with combustion can be compared with
the option of CHP at the location of the energy consumer.
It is assumed, therefore, that energy modelling and balancing will prove
extremely important in the future design of technologies for use in biogas
plants. Moreover, the best management methods for practical operation of
biogas plants can be identified and guidelines for plant operators drawn up.
Last but not least, steadily increasing environmental demands on biogas
plants can be addressed using the methods described in this chapter, both
during the conception and planning phase of new plants and during
renovation of existing biogas plants.
The modelling and balancing of energy flows in a biogas plant requires
considerable effort. However, this detailed analysis alone makes it possible
to achieve goal-oriented optimisation of a biogas plant: the need for
extensive research and the application of a detailed methodology should not
therefore be considered an insurmountable obstacle. Experience has shown
that all the required work and expenditure will achieve long-lasting positive
benefits, both economic and environmental. Scientific support can be
offered to plant operators to enable them to make efficient investments in
both time and money to this end.
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Sources of further information and advice
Scholwin and Edelmann (2009) describe the full process of biogas
production from solid as well as liquid residues, agricultural by-products
and energy crops. This topic will soon be available in English. Data on the
energy demand of biogas plants and their components are measured and
evaluated in measurement programmes. The best known comprehensive
overview of the energy demand behaviour of biogas plants was carried out
by Prof. Peter Weiland (FNR, 2011); it is available both as a topic with
analysis and as a separate data collection at www.fnr.de, where it can be
downloaded in German and Russian. Information on the modelling,
evaluation and energy balancing of biogas plants is often related to life cycle
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