Environmental Engineering Reference
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Biomass chain configuration before introduction of the anaerobic
digestion step.
transform them into a useful energy carrier and digestate, i.e. stabilised
organic matter, water and nutrients, coming back into the same chain or
leaving the system into other systems. The new energy balance can then be
expressed by
E bal GJ
E agriprod þ
E induprod þ
E by-prod biomprod þ
E by-prod ind prod
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
E input biom þ
E input ind
E ext output AD þ
E int output AD
E loss
where E ext output AD corresponds to the energy equivalence of products
produced by the AD unit(s) and being exported from the system, whereas
E int output AD refers to the energy equivalence of products from AD used
internally for the agricultural production or the industrial transformation
units. E input AD refers to the energy input required for the AD unit operation
such as electricity used for pumping, mixing, pre-treating or post-treating
by-products. All other terms are as explained in equation 7.1.
The actual contribution of AD to the chain it is embedded in expressed in
energy terms can then be calculated as the difference between the energy
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