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of producing and laying eggs. h is is probably a consequence of having
dif erent rates of developmental change associated with ovary develop-
ment and the associated changes in stimulus-response relationships.
h ese dif erences at the individual level af ect the overall production of
males by laying workers, a colony-level reproductive trait of queenless
colonies that is an aggregate of the individual success of laying workers
and conl ict among them. Colonies with some combinations of geno-
types very quickly begin producing males and produce many. Others
maintain too few egg layers and too many egg eaters for too long and
fail to produce any males.
3.10 Summary Comments
In this chapter I have presented evidence for ef ects of genetic variation
on within-nest variation in behavior. I have also presented colony-level
consequences of genetic variation for worker behavior in the form of ef-
fects on plasticity, resilience, and behavioral dominance. In the next
chapter, I will address the evolution of polyandry and the maintenance
of behavioral genetic variation.
Suggested Reading
Beye, M., Gattermeier, I., Hasselmann, J. M., Gempe, T., et al. 2006. Exception-
ally high levels of recombination across the honey bee genome. Genome Res.
16:1339- 1344.
Calderone, N. W., and Page, R. E. 1988. Genotypic variability in age polyethism
and task specialization in the honey bee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera:
Apidae). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 22:17-25.
Calderone, N. W., and Page, R. E. 1992. Ef ects of interactions among genotypi-
cally diverse nestmates on task specialization by foraging honeybees (Apis
mellifera). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 30:219-226.
Calderone, N. W., Robinson, G. E., and Page, R. E. 1989. Genetic structure and
division of labor in honeybee societies. Experientia 45:765-767.
Collins, A. M., Rinderer, T. E., Harbo, J. R., and Bolton, A. B. 1982. Colony
defense by Africanized and European honey bees. Science 218:72-74.
Crozier, R. H., and Brückner, D. 1981. Sperm clumping and the population
ge ne tics of Hymenoptera. Am. Nat. 117:561-563.
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