HTML and CSS Reference
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If the player wins, the maxEnemy is increased for the next game. The player's score is also
checked against the current session high score to determine whether a new high score
has been achieved. This state waits for a space bar press and then moves to the
The player's score is checked against the current session high score to determine
whether a new high score has been achieved. This state waits for a space bar press and
then moves to the GAME_STATE_NEW_GAME state.
Simple Tile Movement Logic Overview
Micro Tank Maze employs simple tile-to-tile movement using the “center of a tile” logic.
This logic relies on making calculations once the game character has reached the center
of a tile. The origin point of our game character tiles is the top-left corner. Because of
this, we can easily calculate that a game character is in the center of a tile when its x
and y coordinates are equal to the destination tile's x and y coordinates.
When the user presses a movement key (up, down, right, or left arrow), we first must
check whether the player is trying to move to a “legal” tile on the playField . In Micro
Tank Maze , all tiles are legal. The only illegal moves are off the edges of the board. So,
if the player wants to move up, down, left, or right, we must first check the tile in that
direction based on the key pressed in the gameStateWaitForPlayerMove() function. Here
is the switch statement used to determine whether the player pressed an arrow key:
if (keyPressList[38]==true){
if (checkBounds(-1,0, player)){
}else if (keyPressList[37]==true) {
if (checkBounds(0,-1, player)){
}else if (keyPressList[39]==true) {
if (checkBounds(0,1, player)){
}else if (keyPressList[40]==true){
if (checkBounds(1,0, player)){
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