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As the particle objects are created in createExplode() , we added a new type attribute
to them. When an explosion is triggered in the checkCollisions() function, the call to
createExplode() will now include this type value based on the object that was de-
stroyed. Each rock already has a scale parameter that varies from 1 to 3 based on its
size. We will use those as our base type value to pass in for the rocks. Now we only
need type values for the player and the saucer. For the saucer we will use 0 , and for the
player we will use 4 . We pulled these id values out of the air. We very well could have
used 99 for the saucer and 200 for the player. We just could not use 1 , 2 , or 3 because
those values are used for the rocks. The type breakdown looks like this:
• Saucer: type = 0
• Large rock: type = 1
• Medium rock: type = 2
• Small rock: type = 3
• Player: type = 4
This type value will need to be used in a switch statement inside the render
Particles() function to determine which of the four tiles to render for a given particle.
Let's examine this function now:
function renderParticles() {
var tempParticle = {};
var particleLength = particles.length-1;
for (var particleCtr=particleLength;particleCtr>=0;particleCtr--){
tempParticle = particles[particleCtr];; //save current state in stack
var tile;
console.log("part type=" + tempParticle.type)
case 0: // saucer
tile = 0;
case 1: //large rock
tile = 2
case 2: //medium rock
tile = 3;
case 3: //small rock
tile = 0;
case 4: //player
tile = 1;
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