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Here is pseudocode for the sourceX calculation:
sourceX = integer(current_frame_index modulo
the_number_columns_in_the_tilesheet) * tile_width
The modulo (%) operator will return the remainder of the division calculation. Below
is the actual code (with variables replaced with literals) we will use for this calculation:
var sourceX = Math.floor(19 % 10) *32;
The result is x = 9*32 = 288; .
The calculation for the sourceY value is similar except we divide rather than use the
modulo operator:
sourceY = integer(current_frame_index divided by
the_number_columns_in_the_tilesheet) *tile_height
Here's the actual code we will use for this calculation:
var sourceY = Math.floor(19 / 10) *32;
This works out to y = 1*32 = 32; . So, the top-left location on the ship_tiles.png from
which to start copying pixels is 288 , 32 .
To actually copy this to the canvas, we will use this statement:
context.drawImage(shipTiles, sourceX, sourceY,32,32,player.x,player.y,32,32);
In Chapter 8 , we needed quite a lot of code to draw and translate the player ship at the
current rotation. When we use a tile sheet, this code is reduced considerably.
Here is the code we will use to render the player ship. It will replace the render
Player() function in Example 8-12 in Chapter 8 :
function renderPlayerShip(x,y,rotation, scale) {
//transformation; //save current state in stack
context.globalAlpha = parseFloat(player.alpha);
var angleInRadians = rotation * Math.PI / 180;
var sourceX = Math.floor((player.rotation/10) % 10) * 32;
var sourceY = Math.floor((player.rotation/10) /10) *32;
if (player.thrust){
context.drawImage(shipTiles2, sourceX, sourceY, 32, 32,
context.drawImage(shipTiles, sourceX, sourceY, 32, 32,
//restore context
context.restore(); //pop old state on to screen
context.globalAlpha = 1;
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