HTML and CSS Reference
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Play/Pause Push Button: Hit Test Point Revisited
The first thing we need to do when implementing the play/pause button is create the
event handler for the mousemove event. The function really is just the standard cross-
browser code we introduced earlier in the topic for tracking the mouse position, de-
pending on which properties the DOM in browsers supports: layerX / layerY or offsetX /
offsetY . This function is called every time the mouse is moved on the canvas to update
the mouseX and mouseY variables. Those variables are scoped to canvasApp() so all func-
tions defined inside of it can access them:
function eventMouseMove(event) {
if ( event.layerX || event.layerX == 0) { // Firefox
mouseX = event.layerX ;
mouseY = event.layerY;
} else if (event.offsetX || event.offsetX == 0) { // Opera
mouseX = event.offsetX;
mouseY = event.offsetY;
Now we need to create the eventMouseUp() handler function. This function is called
when the user releases the mouse button after clicking. Why after and not when the
mouse is clicked? Well, one reason is because we generally use the mousedown event for
the start of a “dragging” operation, which we will show you shortly.
The heart of this function is a hit test point-style collision detection check for the but-
tons. We discussed this in depth in Chapter 6 when we created the buttons for the
video puzzle game ( CH6EX10.html ). Notice that here we are using the variables we
create to represent the x and y locations of the button ( playX , playY ) and the width and
height of a button ( bW , bH ) to form the bounds of the area we will test. If the mouse
pointer is within those bounds, we know the button has been clicked:
function eventMouseUp(event) {
if ( (mouseY >= playY) && (mouseY <= playY+bH) && (mouseX >= playX) &&
(mouseX <= playX+bW) ) {
If you had images stacked on top of one another, you would need to
store some kind of stacking value or z-index to know which item was
on top and was clicked at any one time. Because the canvas works in
immediate mode, you would have to “roll your own” just like the other
functionality we have discussed.
After a hit is detected, we need to determine whether we are going to call the play() or
pause() method of the HTMLAudioElement object represented by the audioElement vari-
able. To figure out which method to call, we simply test to see whether the audio is
paused by checking the audioElement.paused property. If so, we call the play() method;
if not, we call pause() . Recall that the HTMLAudioElement.paused property is set to
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