HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
To use the image pattern, apply it to the fillColor and strokeColor properties of the
context, just as you would apply a color:
context.fillStyle = pattern;
context.strokeStyle = pattern;
For example, to load an image named texture.jpg and apply it to the fillStyle so that
it tiles on both the x and y axes, you would write code like this:
var pattern = new Image();
pattern.src = "texture.jpg"
pattern.onload = function() {
var pattern = context.createPattern("texture.jpg", "repeat");
context.fillStyle = pattern;
Patterns with Video: The Bad News
The HTML5 Canvas API specifies that an HTML5 video element can be used as the
source for createPattern() instead of an image. However, all of our attempts to do so
emitted the following JavaScript error:
Uncaught Error: TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: DOM Exception 17
According to the DOM reference at , DOM Exception 17, TYPE
_MISMATCH_ERR occurs “if the type of an object is incompatible with the expected
type of the parameter associated to the object.”
So it appears that most browsers have not included support for using video as the
pattern for createPattern() . However, you can still load and play video on Canvas,
which we will discuss in depth in Chapter 6 .
Handling Gradients and Patterns in Text Arranger
Text Arranger 3.0 includes many changes that were implemented to support using
gradients and image patterns with text on HTML5 Canvas. To see these changes in
action, we first need to make sure that we have preloaded the texture.jpg image, which
we will use for the context.createPattern() functionality. To do this, we will create a
new function named eventAssetsLoaded() that we will set as the event handler for the
onload event of the Image object that will hold the pattern. When that image has loaded,
we will call canvasApp() in the same way we called it from eventWindowLoaded() :
function eventWindowLoaded() {
var pattern = new Image();
pattern.src = "texture.jpg";
pattern.onload = eventAssetsLoaded;
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