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everything. God gave some of his power to his son, the christ. The son of God asked
his father for help. He said, “papa, I want you to help me. please give me blessings.”
The father said to him, “Write down these things on a page in your notebook. All the
things that you need and then give it to me.” The son already had some paper to write
down everything. The father told him, “Write down which blessings you want.” He
wrote down, faith in my father. Also, he wrote love for other people. Then he asked
for peace too. Then he asked that he may be good and generous and that he never
got angry. Also he wrote that he may be sympathetic to the others. Then he asked to
be respectful and responsible. Then he said, “Thank you father. Now I will make my
ujñarone for the people.”
I am the big man
I am the big man
I am the great teacher
I am the great teacher
I am the one who the people obey
I am the one who the people obey
I have killed myself and became the warrior leader
I have killed myself and become the warrior leader
I am the first
I am the first
I bring peace to the world
I bring peace to the world
I bring sympathy to the world
I bring sympathy to the world
I bring peace to the world
I sound like se se se [calming]
I sound like se se se
This is the secret of Jesus. You can tell it in the evening, around six o'clock. That is the
time to tell it. He is the one who gave us sympathy and peace. God taught his son this
ujñarone . Then, the christ tested his disciple. He gave him alcoholic drinks to them.
When one is a believer, he doesn't vomit what he drinks. The alcohol doesn't damage
a person who believes. But if someone doesn't have faith, he will vomit. 45 Jesus gave
them alcohol, but they didn't vomit. He said, “You all want to follow me.”
Amo'nate was the one who knew this story. she knew the story of Jesus before we
met the missionaries. We knew about Jesus in the forest. We knew about Jesus in the
forest, because Amo'nate knew. The christ learned from the advice of his father. “These
are the commandments and I have them guarded in my heart,” he said. Jesus brings
peace. But God makes war against his other enemies. In the time before, God made a
test to the people who didn't believe. He said, “This is my blood, which has run out of
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