Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 3.1
Overview of Chapter 3
Main topic
Sub topics
Main points
Portray variation in image brightness
Histograms, image contrast.
content as a graph/ histogram.
Calculate new image points as a
Histogram manipulation; intensity
function of the point at the same place in
mapping: addition, inversion, scaling,
the original image. The functions can
logarithm, exponent. Intensity
be mathematical , or can be computed
normalisation; histogram equalisation.
from the image itself and will change the
Thresholding and optimal thresholding.
image's histogram. Finally, thresholding
turns an image from grey level to a
binary (black and white) representation.
Calculate new image points as a
Template convolution (including
function of neighbourhood of the
frequency domain implementation):
point at the same place in the original
direct averaging, median filter, mode
image. The functions can be statistical
including: mean (average); median
and mode.
p_ histogram bright
(a) Image of eye
(b) Histogram of eye image
Figure 3.1
An image and its histogram
image, if the ideal histogram is known. We might want to remove this noise, not only to
improve the appearance of the image, but to ease the task of (and to present the target better
for) later feature extraction techniques. This chapter concerns these basic operations which
can improve the appearance and quality of images.
The histogram can be evaluated by the operator histogram , in Code 3.1 . The operator
first initialises the histogram to zero. Then the operator works by counting up the number
of image points that have an intensity at a particular value. These counts for the different
values form the overall histogram. The counts are then returned as the two-dimensional
histogram (a vector of the count values) which can be plotted as a graph, Figure 3.1 (b).
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