Image Processing Reference
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recent survey (Reed, 1993), which is certainly more recent than the earlier surveys (Wechsler,
1980; Davis, 1981), but it is a large field of work to survey with many applications. Even
though it is a large body of work, it is still only a subset of the field of pattern recognition.
In fact, a recent review of pattern recognition gives many pointers to this fascinating and
extensive field (Jain, 2000). In this text, the general paradigm is to extract features that
describe the target and then to classify it for purposes of recognition. In vision-based
systems such approaches are used in biometrics : ways to recognise a person's identity by
some innate human properties. The biometrics of major recent interest are signatures ,
speech , irises and faces , though there is work in other areas including hand geometry (as
used in US immigration) and gait. The first text on biometrics appeared only recently (Jain,
1999) and surveys all major biometric approaches. Naturally, there is much interest in
automatic target recognition both in military and commercial applications. This naturally
translates to medical studies, where the interest is either in diagnosis or therapy. Here,
researchers seek to be able to identify and recognise normal or abnormal features within
one of the many medical imaging modalities, for surgical purposes. This is the world of
image processing and computer vision. But all these operations depend on feature extraction ,
that is why this text has concentrated on these basic methods, for no practical vision-based
system yet exists without them. We finish here, we hope you enjoyed the topic and will find
it useful in your career or study. Certainly have a look at our website, http:// , as you will find more material there. Don't
hesitate to send us comments or suggestions. À bientôt!
Bishop, C. M., Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition , Oxford University Press, Oxford
UK, 1995
Bovik, A. C., Clark, M. and Geisler, W. S., Multichannel Texture Analysis using Localised
Spatial Filters, IEEE Trans. on PAMI , 12 (1), pp. 55-73, 1990
Brodatz, P., Textures: a Photographic Album for Artists and Designers , Reinhold, NY
USA, 1968
Chen, Y. Q., Nixon, M. S. and Thomas, D. W., Texture Classification using Statistical
Geometric Features, Pattern Recog., 28 (4), pp. 537-552, 1995
Cherkassky, V. and Mulier, F., Learning from Data , Wiley, NY, USA 1998
Daugman, J. G., High Confidence Visual Recognition of Persons using a Test of Statistical
Independence, IEEE Trans . on PAMI , 18 (8), pp. 1148-1161, 1993
Davis, L. S., Image Texture Analysis Techniques - a Survey, Digital Image Processing.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute , Reidel, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp.
189-201, 1981
Dunn, D., Higgins, W. E. and Wakely, Texture Segmentation using 2-D Gabor Elementary
Functions, IEEE Trans. on PAMI 16 (2), pp. 130-149, 1994
Gimmel'farb, G. L. and Jain, A. K., On Retrieving Textured Images from an Image Database,
Pattern Recog ., 28 (12), pp. 1807-1817, 1996
Haralick, R. M., Shanmugam, K. and Dinstein, I., Textural Features for Image Classification,
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics , 2 , pp. 610-621, 1973
Jain, A. K. and Farrokhnia, F., Unsupervised Texture Segmentation using Gabor Filters,
Pattern Recog ., 24 (12), pp. 1186-1191, 1991
Jain, A. K. and Zongker, D., Feature Selection: Evaluation, Application and Small Sample
Performance, IEEE Trans. on PAMI , 19 (2), pp. 153-158, 1997
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