Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Guided Walks
If you enjoyed this walk and would like to hear more about
the island's history, join one of the walking tours organized
by St. Thomas Historic Trust . Led by knowledgeable
guides, the walks leave from Trust headquarters at
Haagensen House near the 99 Steps. Walks last one hour
and the $18 fee helps defray the cost of maintaining Trust
properties. Daily walks weekday in-season and several days
a week off-season.
(340) 774-5541 for schedules.
Blackbeard's Castle and Hotel 1829 sponsor a narrated
taxi/walking tour led by knowledgeable guides. The group
meets at Blackbeard's Castle.
(340) 776-1234 or (340)
776-1829 for more information.
Island-Wide Sightseeing
Coral World
Coki Point (East End), open daily 9 am-5 pm,
775-1555, If Morris Kahn, an Israeli
businessman, had not punctured an eardrum while scuba
diving, Coral World would never have been built. And that
would be a real loss for non-divers like me,
who would never get to see the dazzling coral
reefs and the curious marine animals and
plants that inhabit the Caribbean Sea.
Unable to dive again, Kahn realized that
most people never have an opportunity to see
the rich ocean life and he set out to change that. Working
with a marine biologist, he came up with the novel idea of an
underwater observation tower, which would not destroy but
rather enhance the natural environment and allow people a
glimpse of the underwater world. Their first tower was built
in Eilat, Israel. Because of its tremendous success, Kahn de-
cided to expand his concept. He chose Coki Point on the
northeast shore of St. Thomas. Coki Beach was long reputed
to have the best snorkeling on the island. The observation
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