Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Reichhold Center for the Arts , Altona, Charlotte Amalie.
Now in its 27th year, the Reichhold Center for the Arts, is an
open-air amphitheater set in a valley on the campus of the
College of the Virgin Islands. The school is located off Route
30, near Brewers Bay. This is the island's premier venue for
visiting artists and international performers. Bill Cosby, the
Vienna Boy's Choir and Ray Charles are among those
who've performed here. Dance companies, concerts and com-
edy are offered on a regular schedule throughout the year.
Once again, the demand is great, so check the schedule and
order your tickets well in advance.
(340) 693-1559, The center is near the airport.
West Indian Shows
Spend an evening at a typical West Indian
barbecue and show. Sophisticated enter-
tainment it isn't, but you'll have fun, espe-
cially if you have children. If you choose to
eat elsewhere and come only for the show,
you'll be asked to spend a minimum
amount. Shows vary, but look for steel
bands, limbo dancing, fire eating and bro-
ken bottle dancing. Mocko Jumbi troupes
perform on stilts, but they are rare at
these “Carnival” night shows. Call for
show schedules, which vary by the month.
Bolongo Bay Resort , Southside. Alternates between its
“Beach House” upscale dining room and Iggie's Beach Bar.
(340) 775-1800.
Emerald Beach Resort , near the Airport. The Palms Res-
taurant at this resort occasionally has West Indian shows.
(340) 777-8800.
Sunset Cruises
Romantica Excursions . A lovely option is a dinner cruise
around Charlotte Amalie's harbor on a multi-level power
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