Java Reference
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• The Publication Phase and the Distribution Phase to the client are in strictly rigid contex-
tual sequence.
•Given that the case is too Spartan to comprise a new AH Installation Phase or any AH
Management Phase at all, we can think of these two phases as being empty.
•All the Resolution Phase is actuated on the server-side, and we can always think of the
JRE as running, so that the AH Application Support Phase is minimal.
•We can think of our (essential) deployment system as being limited basically to the
Application Installation Phase and the Application Management Phase.
•Steps such as Application Installation Customization or Application (Complete) Uninstall
are very minimal if not completely absent.
This is an extreme case, one rarely faced by developers. Nevertheless, it is useful to show some
of the possible twists of Java software deployment and how the proposed model can describe
such cases as well.
We will examine details of other cases (from the developer's perspective) like this one in
Chapter 5, “Non-J2SE Clients.”
In this chapter, we have introduced a general, abstract model for Java software deployment that
we will use as a reference throughout the topic. We concluded by showing how the proposed
model can describe a particular case of Java software deployment.
The model can be summarized in the following elements:
• The stages that compose the lifecycle of a general deployment circuit implementation—
The basic set of steps is shown in Figure 2.3.
• The four model roles are Software Producer, Software Owner (often coinciding),
Distributor and End-User. Figure 2.7 depicts some of the interactions between model
•Other concepts and definitions such as the Application Helper, the Client Environment,
and Deployment Policies that formalize some aspects of the deployment phenomenon.
We will often use the graphical representation of the model steps (Figures 2.5 and 2.3, its sim-
pler version) because the model is more concrete and easier to handle, in both adaptation to the
given case and for discussing design issues.
In the next chapter, we will conclude our introduction to Java deployment by examining some
of the real-world solutions available for developers.
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