Java Reference
In-Depth Information
security Element
The security element defines the security level needed for the application. There are two empty
subelements of this element.
all-permissions Empty Subelement
When used with a trusted application (that is, signed and accepted by the user), this subele-
ment grants all the permissions to the client application.
j2ee-application-client-permissions Empty Subelement
When used with a trusted application (that is, signed and explicitly accepted by the user), this
subelement grants the permissions shown in Table B.2 to the client application.
T ABLE B.2 Permissions
Affected Permission String
access system Clipboard
access event queue
show window without warning banner
exit JVM
load library
queue print job
socket connection
read/write files
read properties
package Element
The package element maps Java packages to JAR files, which is useful only for lazily down-
loaded JARs. Using this, the JNLP Client knows where the needed classes are, and waits until
the right moment to download only the necessary files.
The package element can have three different attributes:
name :String that identifies a set of Java classes based on their package. This string
closely resembles the syntax of the import statement in Java, particularly the use of the
“.*” construct.
part : Specifies the classes in the name attribute.
recursive : Maximum heap size, a JVM parameter. It makes sense only for non-exact
part values; that is, that contain “.*” . It is an optional attribute.
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