Java Reference
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L ISTING 7.11 Continued
return this;
/** Implements the related Deploylet method */
public Deploylet getClient() {
return client;
/** Implements the related Deploylet method */
public void setClient(Deploylet d) {
client = d;
/** Implements the related Deploylet method */
public void setServer(Deploylet d) {
// do nothing
/** Implements the related Deploylet method */
public String getName() {
return serverDeployletName;
Its implementation of the requestService method supports only DebugService requests (line
100 of Listing 7.11). The method processDebugService (beginning at line 110 of Listing
7.11) simply writes the DebugService argument on the standard output. In a real-world appli-
cation, it could save its content (that reports an exception fired on the relative client applet) on
a text file for successive use. At line 79 of Listing 7.11, the serverDeploylet is dismissed
when the related client-side applet is stopped. In the constructor (lines 21-34 of Listing 7.11),
the newly created ServerDeploylet instance is published on the RMI registry with the name
obtained at line 27.
Another important piece in our framework is represented by the servlet that dynamically
responds to Web browser's requests and supplies Plug-In-enabled applets. In Listing 7.12, the
LaunchServlet class is shown.
L ISTING 7.12 The LaunchServlet Class
package com.marinilli.b2.c7.deploylet;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;
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