Java Reference
In-Depth Information
L ISTING 7.9 Continued
// runtime services methods
* requests a service to its counterpart
public ServiceResult requestService(DeploymentService ds) throws
// support methods
* get the server side of this deploylet (a servlet instance)
public Deploylet getServer() throws RemoteException;
* get the client side of this deploylet (an applet instance)
public Deploylet getClient() throws RemoteException;
* set the client side of this deploylet
public void setClient(Deploylet d) throws RemoteException;
* set the server side of this deploylet
public void setServer(Deploylet d) throws RemoteException;
* get the deploylet name (RMI address)
public String getName() throws RemoteException;
The Deploylet interface implements what is detailed in Table 7.1 together with some
auxiliary methods and a general-purpose runtime service request mechanism (see method
requestService at line 79 of Listing 7.9). Regarding the requestService method, we will
not show the RequestService , DeploymentService , and DebugService classes. The support
methods are needed for client-server interaction.
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