Java Reference
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The Choose Application Components dialog box.
Whichever installation type the user chooses, when the install button is hit, another recapping
dialog box is shown to the user (see Figure 7.4), so that any further options can be modified
before the installation takes places.
The Installation Summary dialog box.
When the user hits the install button in Figure 7.4, the installation begins. According to the
user choice and depending on the particular platform, the proper JRE is installed. (In our sim-
ple case, we provided only Windows support: It is enough to launch the Sun's JRE native
installer to perform the JRE installation on such a platform.) During the application installation
(that is, basically copying files from the CD-ROM to the client's hard disk), a progress dialog
box is shown to the user (see Figure 7.5).
Eventually, an instruction file is shown to the user when the installation is complete, as shown
in Figure 7.6.
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