Agriculture Reference
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gregates and also increases soil aeration, which accelerates organic mat-
ter decomposition. Well-drained soils with rapid water infiltration are less
subject to erosion, because water moves rapidly into and through them
and does not build up to the point where it moves across the surface . Crop
residues contain appreciable plant nutrients, which contribute to the main-
tenance of soil productivity when not removed. Conservation tillage may
reduce crop yields, which may arise from intensive management, based
on varying equipment, and long spectrum of weeds, insects, and disease
problems combined with allopathic effects and decreased nutrients' avail-
abilities. However, no-till and minimum tillage systems are more energy
efficient than conventional tillage systems. Conservation tillage systems
require less total energy to achieve approximately the same crop produc-
tion levels as conventional tillage systems. No-till and minimum tillage
reduce organic C losses from soil and reduce emission by using less fossil
Crop residues are parts of the plants left in the field after crop have been
harvested and threshed or left after pastures are grazed. As two-thirds of
all crop residues are used as animal feed, only one-third is available for
direct recycling (compost making), which can add 2.5 million tons/year. In
India, about 100 million tones of crop residues are available for recycling
in agriculture annually. Crop residues are large reservoir of plant nutrient,
improve physical and biological properties and protect soil from wind and
water erosion. Most common crop residues are from wheat, maize, paddy,
sugarcane trash, rice hulls, etc.
The projected population of India is likely to range between 1.64 and 1.74
billion by 2050, when the world population is likely to reach 9 billion.
Already, with a global share of 2.3% land, 4.2% of water, the per capita
availability of resources in India is 4-6 times less than the world average.
It is estimated that by 2050, about 22% of the geographical area and 17%
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