Agriculture Reference
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food grains, mulching of soil and water conservation measures, local food
systems as per the climate suitability, increase ground water level by mak-
ing check dams and planting of climate resilient crops and varieties, zero
plowing, etc.
The respondents opined on suggestions, which could be practiced by the
farmers to mitigate climate change issues. The responses were growing
crops through organic means, multicropping, less use of inorganic and
market based fertilizer and pesticide, use of vermin compost and organic
manure, banning of plastic resources, conservation agriculture practices,
plantation of tree on farm meadows, economic use of irrigation water by
practicing sprinkler and drip methods of irrigation, integrated farming ap-
proaches, use of shelter belts and wind breaks, zero tillage method, use
of aerobic rice and SRI technique in rice, good feeding habits of cattle's
to avoid CH 4 emission, growing more pulses, changing cropping patterns
based on weather information, proper water application, use of solar pan-
els for power generation, chopping up of farm residues rather than burning
on the field, growing trees inside each farm to provide for carbo-seques-
tration, etc.
The present study reflects that the Internet literate population is mostly
aware about global climate change as well as role of human activities in
climate change. The sources of information are usually e-based resources.
The awareness regarding important agencies and groups and their com-
mitment to climate change was found to be poor. Support for personal
measures and individual efforts by majority of respondents for mitigat-
ing the effects of adverse climate change is a very promising sign. There
is need to conduct large nationwide survey to generate information from
various stakeholders for burning issues on climate change and providing
effective measures to combat the changing climate scenario. Such surveys
will also form the basis to establish a foundation for decision makers for
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