Agriculture Reference
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Pathak, R. K., & Ram, R. A. (2013). Homa Jaivik Krishi. A Ray of Hope for Sustainable Horti-
culture, 39-46, Horticulture for Economic Prosperity and Nutritional Security in twenty-first
century, (ed.) Hazarika, T. K., & Nautiyal, B. P. Westville Publishing House, New Delhi.
Pathak, R.K. & Ulrich, B. (2014). Agnihotra : An effective tool in resolving atmospheric pol-
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on Role of Organic Farming in Climate Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture. Organized by
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Potdar, M. M. (1999). Agnihotra for Equilibrium of Nature and Enhancement of Human Life,
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Rameshwar, R., Poonam, P., & Atul, D. (2009). Research on Homa Organic Farming. Proceed-
ings in Brainstorming Conference on Bringing Homa organic Farming into the main stream
of Indian Agriculture, organized in collaboration with Planning Commission and Five Fold
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Rao, D. L. N., & Chhonkar, P. K. Organic Matter in Relation to Soil Biological Quality and
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Rozanov, B. G. (1990). In Trans. 14th Int. Cong. Soil Sci., Kyoto, Japan, 53.
Rupela, O. P. (2014). Aurogreen - an Innovative Method of Green-manuring-Personal com-
Ulrich, Berk. (2009). Agnihotra and Homa Theray -Scientific Persepective: Proceedings in
Brainstorming Conference on Bringing Homa organic Farming into the main stream of Indian
Agriculture, organized in collaboration with Planning Commission and Five Fold Path Mis-
sion, pp. 46-52.
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