Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
• The trend in N fertilizer consumptions in MP, AP, West Bengal, Kar-
nataka, points to nitrate pollution becoming a major threat to their
sustainable water resource development.
• High nitrate concentrations (more than 45 mg/L) have been found
in many districts of AP, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu,
Rajasthan, etc.
• About two-lakh square kilometers has been estimated to be affected
by saline water of EC in excess of 4 dS/m. In several places in Hary-
ana and Rajasthan the EC values greater than 10 dS/m make water
• Coastal salinity, caused by excessive withdrawal of fresh ground wa-
ter, has been observed in Tamil Nadu, Saurashtra, and in an 8-10 km
wide belt near coast of Subarnrekha, Salandi, and Brahmani Rivers.
• Several reports show that by performing Agnihotra and putting Ag-
nihotra ash in the well, the water quality improves considerably.
Non-potable water become good drinking water in one case the pH
came down from 9.5 to 7.2, and the salinity from 1150 ppm to 720
ppm (report from Australia).
• On one farm in Austria officials closed one well as the water was not
even good enough for the animals to drink. With Homa and putting
Agnihotra ash to the well after only two months another inspection
was done and they found out now it was good quality drinking water
(Ringma, 2009).
• A simple experiment shows that if you put Agnihotra ash in a con-
tainer with putrid water within a few days the water becomes clear
• One experiment done in a Polish institute for Environmental Biol-
ogy, showed that by adding Agnihotra ash to water with some de-
composing plant matter the beneficial microorganisms grew much
better than in the control environment.
Dr. Masuru Emoto-JAPAN did pioneer work on water quality and ded-
icated his life to research on water and human health; he was of the view
that human body consists of 75% and brain it self has 69% of water, which
is crucial on health. This fact realization created idea how can water affect
out wellbeing? Can we heal ourselves through water? Yes! Water is a vital
healing agent. He developed a technology by quick-freezing of water and
through advance photography it giges wonderful results of crystal forma-
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