Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
being declared 'dark zones.' The situation is more worrisome because of
the low water use efficiency. As in case of land, quality of water resources
is also deteriorating. Salinity and alkanity is continuously increasing and
damaging agricultural land, especially in areas irrigated by ground water
sources, while water logging is a major problem in the areas irrigated by
surface irrigation particularly through canals.
In recent years, water, is becoming one of the major constraints for the
welfare of human beings. In future, water shortages are likely to be wide-
spread. Our current concerns are over the long-term sustainability of water
infrastructure, and its ability to sustain future food, water requirements to
human being and other activities. The public water infrastructure is show-
ing signs of crumbling, and is impacting the land, and water resource qual-
ity base of agriculture, affecting crop productivity. Indiscriminate over ex-
ploitation of ground water resources is shrinking the total resource-base
itself, as wells fail because of fall in water tables beyond acceptable limit.
Shree Vasant, strong promoter of Homa technology stated in an article
written in Nov 2002 that 'If Homa is practiced on a large scale, the at-
mosphere is healed and the water resources get purified, leading to better
absorption of sun's rays.' I believe this is a clue as to how Homa brings
water resources back into healthy conditions, which is evident from the
statement of Paranjpe (2005), which, I quote.
Water resources on earth are finding it difficult to absorb energy from
the sun (due to pollution). This will result in depletion of marine life and
imbalance in nature. Water pollution now takes its toll in rich as well as
poorer countries. No water is relatively safe to drink now.'
HOMA Therapy and Agnihotra ash improve the quality of water and
make it potable. Agnihotra ash is extremely medicinal and has a powerful
purifying effect on water.
It has been reported that addition of Agnihotra ash to a fish tank would
enhance the process of purification of the water by retarding the process
of multiplication of harmful bacteria and algae in the water freshening
through by absorbing odors. The observations clearly indicated that Agni-
hotra ash does, indeed affect the quality of water and the growth of algae
in the medium. The ecosystem wherein we live, Agnihotra ash treatment
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