Agriculture Reference
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• Potash and phosphorus content were also found abundant quantaties
in ash treated plot.
• As there are large areas in India of previously fertile land, which now
are lying barren because of high sodicity/salinity, Homa Therapy,
could give a solution to a big problem.
• The soil improves through Homa Organic Farming Technology even
in difficult climatic conditions like acid rain.
• At Tapovan Homa Farm of about seven acres in Ratnapimpri, Ta-
luka: Parola, District: Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India, where Agnihotra
and other Homas are practiced since 2001. The soil was very poor.
Always there is a water problem in that area as wells dry up in sum-
mer. After one year of practicing 24 h fire, there was a total change
and the soil received much nutrition ( www.homa1com ; www.homa- ).
• In the surrounding area, it looks like all deserts and only these
HOMA acres are lush, shining green and full of biodiversity. The
crops yields are highest per acre compared to neighbouring farms.
Fruits and vegetables have exquisite taste and aroma; they are resis-
tant to disease. The soil has been nourished by the effect of the 24 h
HOMA fire in the atmosphere, Anon (2014).
• Soil in resonance atmosphere holds moisture better than any soil,
due largely to the feedback of Homa on the atmosphere. When the
nutritional rain comes due to the practice of Homa healing fires of
Homa Organic Farming Technology, (Agnihotra and Om Tryam-
bakam Homa), the nutrients and moisture are sustained as a unit in
the soil. This makes for better quality vegetation. Agnihotra Homa
and Agnihotra ash, when put in the soil, help stabilize the amount of
nitrogen and potassium present (Berk, 2009).
• In Homa atmosphere the metabolic process of plants is speeded up.
It is the ghee used in Agnihotra process that is the catalytic factor and
on a more subtle level the mantras interacting with the combined ef-
fect of the burnt ghee and rice. This combination enters the soil after
returning from the solar range. It enters the plant by, one might say,
attaching itself to minerals and water absorbed by the root system of
the plants. The ghee acts as a catalyst, creating a chemical reaction
with the plant, aiding in enzyme and vitamin production and encour-
aging and increasing the cyclic rate. In other words plants mature
faster, taste better and are better just by performance of Homa in the
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