Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information GRAPES
Grapes are usually not mulched because they have a very deep root sys-
tem. If they are mulched to control weeds, they should be treated like tree
Mulching is generally carried out during month of November with straw
or pine needles for winter protection. Mulch material is removed from the
tops of plants and redistributed around plants and between rows in April to
keep berries clean when they ripen, reduce fruit rot and help keep the soil
cool as fruit ripen.
Mulching for weed control is the use of materials to cover the soil sur-
face that block light, thereby preventing growth and germination of weeds.
While mulches are commonly used in restoration operations for reseed-
ing and soil stabilization, mulches for weed control must be applied at
rates high enough to prevent light from reaching the soil surface. Mulch-
ing is most effective on controlling small seeded species. There are many
types of mulches including natural ones such as straw, bark, sawdust, crop
residues, and grass clippings, and artificial ones such as paper, cardboard,
and plastic. While mulch applications are not commonly made to control
invasive on a large scale, they are still useful. Another effective use of
mulch, especially to suppress dense ground covers, combines cardboard
and organic mulch. The cardboard covers and overlaps edges of the treat-
ment area, and is then covered with organic mulch. Small drain holes in
the cardboard prevent water from pooling. Left to compost in place, the
cardboard will suppress vegetation underneath.
Soil solarization uses polyethylene sheeting to cover low growing, cul-
tivated, mowed, or chopped invasive infestations and trap solar energy
to heat the soil and space under the sheeting to kill and suppress inva-
sive plants. At least 2 years of summer cover are needed to suppress most
invasive plants by 90%. Other plants are killed by this method-it is not
selective. Black sheeting is more effective than clear sheeting because it
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