Agriculture Reference
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(Kasannis, 1952; Matthews, 1970). Similarly, elevated mean temperature
in a region increases incidence of virus infected plants developed through
contact, for example, white clover mosaic virus (Coutts and Jones, 2002),
however, the impact of increased temperature may reduce infection prob-
ability for other virus, for example, tobacco rattle virus multiplied (Mat-
thews, 1970). The favorable temperature for multiplication of tobacco
rattle virus in tobacco is 18 to 22ºC but a sharp decline may be noticed
at 26ºC. Further, in a mixed infection site, the behavior of system may
be influenced by increased temperature: systemic infection has found at
31ºC in a case when a mixture of brome mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic
virus held at 20ºC, 25ºC and 31ºC (Hamilton and Nichols, 1977). Ford and
Ross (1962) observed that higher accumulation of potato virus (PV-X)
was greatest at 30ºC under a mixed infection of tobacco plants with PV-X
and PV-Y compared to other lower temperature regime.
Augmentation of global food production by 50% up to 2050 is necessar-
ily required to save the multiplying human population (Chakraborty and
Newton, 2011). There may be more complex situation to retain the poten-
tial yield under ever-enlarging warmer regions (heat stress) provided by
drought, evolution in microbial world to damage crops (involving phyto-
pathosystems), and soil erosion due to intense precipitation events. Beside
these obstructers the task is hard to achieve due to the melting Himalayan
glaciers, reasonably increased temperature, which may affect 25% cereal
production of the globe. Studies under realistic field locations integrate
with simulators for confirmation of multicomponent program will be use-
ful to understand the features of this topic. The possible effects of new
composition of the atmosphere in a shifting scenario correlating the bio-
logical processes of phytopathogens are then could be realized.
Adjustments are very much needful for plant disease management strat-
egies under climate change (Garrett et al., 2006). Impact of climate change
on host-plant resistance is one of the areas that has been most investigated
(Boland et al., 2004; Legreve and Duveiller, 2010). Host-plant resistance
has been made major contribution to ensure global food security under
both climate change and sustainable management systems (Berry et al.,
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